
DeVos Place (1)

Legislative Priorities for 2023-24 Session

的 西密歇根州的教育倡导者 advocate for a student-centered budget and policy agenda. Our positions are based upon that foundational principle.

As we continue in the recovery phase of the pandemic, it is important for policymakers to understand schools are doing their best to meet the academic and behavioral health needs of our students with a strained labor market. 

通过合作, we can advance policies that remove barriers to our work and also make investments in our future.


Continue implementation of a student-centered funding formula as outlined by the School Finance Research Collaborative.

为什么? A student-centered funding formula ensures schools receive the necessary resources to provide each student with the individualized support and resources they need to succeed. When each student has the necessary support they can fulfill their full potential.


  • Increasing the foundation grant to $10,421
  • 全额资助特殊教育
  • Additional 35% funding for at-risk students
  • Increased support for English learner students
  • Provide categorical support for transportation
  • Provide additional support for 职业生涯 Technical Education
  • Create categorical equalization support for school facilities

For years our state has taken the approach to allocate funding outside of the student-centered funding formula in additional categoricals. This approach is cumbersome and reduces district flexibility to meet the needs of their students.

Enact student-centered policies that support the work of school districts working to serve the needs of students.

为什么? State education policy serves an important role in setting expectations for our schools. Frequently in policy development, we see laws being too prescriptive. 通过精简法律, schools can focus on their primary goal of providing students with a high-quality education.

We would ask legislators to consider the opportunity cost of the passage of new laws. When our state passes laws that are too prescriptive or include additional mandates it diverts time and resources away from districts implementing their own unique initiatives to improve student achievement.


  • Streamline teacher and administrator evaluation
  • 修改“三年级阅读”法
  • 过渡 to a single transparent school accountability system
  • Provide flexibility in the Michigan Merit Curriculum
  • Expand opportunities for 职业生涯 Technical Education and work-study
  • Continue efforts to develop our educator workforce


  • 延长ESSER资金的使用时间
  • Fully fund the Individual with Disabilities Education Act
  • Provide additional assessment flexibility under ESSA


Develop a world-class workforce in West Michigan by ensuring students are college and career ready.

的 西密歇根州的教育倡导者 believes that cooperation amongst the talent community is critical to meeting the needs of our communities and economy. 的 talent community is comprised of all actors and agents that provide or receive educational services.


Proactively advocate for student- centered, evidence-based policies that ensure students are college and career ready.

This work will be accomplished through collaboration with the talent community to meet the needs of our regional economy.


  • Legislative and community advocacy efforts are driven by a mutually beneficial need to develop a world-class work force in West Michigan.
  • 的 work is pro-active in that it will intentionally engage the ideas and understanding of diverse stakeholders committed to the common goal of world-class talent development. 的 EAWM will work to author and influence legislative proposals.
  • 的 work is student-centered and collaborative; sensitive to the rich educational diversity in the region.


EAWM will align its advocacy work with established benchmarks that ensure students are meeting key educational targets on their way to becoming college and career ready. 建议的基准包括:

  • Kindergarten Readiness (metric: Michigan Model for School Readiness)
  • 3rd Grade Reading Proficiency (metrics: MEAP and/or other national, state and local assessments)
  • 8th Grade Math Scores (metrics: MEAP and/or other national, state and local assessments)
  • College and 职业生涯 Ready (metrics: ACT, NCRC, remedial coursework, median income, unemployment)






Executive Director 西密歇根州的教育倡导者